There are many moments when we feel like prisoners … but we should simple smile … … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitr

 One guy wrote me one day … a very weird letter … explaining that after meditating for years, visualizing a scenario of a perfect life … he finally had one day that story.

But the funny thing was that … even if he liked everything he attracted… he became to be dominated by a weird feeling … that he became the prisoner of that world.

He had been created an universe … that was the mirror of all his dreams … but could not get rid of these stupid feelings … of being into a prison with invisible walls … that he could not leave anymore.

The guy wrote me after reading my book “My life in a prison with invisible walls” … identifying himself with my perceptions.

And the philosophical question was … what the hell we do if all those ideas, thoughts, dreams … create a reality … which induces us into the end the feeling of being … prisoners.

This guy … Tom … that wrote me this interesting letter … felt the same as me.

It was nice for him … to realize that … another ordinary



person … thought the same about the desire of attracting a new reality … which into the end can become … a trap.

And Tom … asked me … “What the hell should i do now?!”

I smiled … realizing that all what i could say to him was … to smile.

Yes … to smile in front of … our stupidity.

This disease of wanting all the time … something totally different than the real life.

A disease … disguised as a … desire.



 psychological games in relationships


Download the book ”Dominating and being dominated ... a way of wasting our lives – philosophical essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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